DST-CPR at University of Hyderabad on


Innovation & Start-Up Ecosystem and S&T Communication


University of Hyderabad



The DST-Centre for Policy Research (DST-CPR) was established in April 2023 at the University of Hyderabad with three broad goals.

A) S&T-led Entrepreneurship/ Industries/ Start-ups:

  • To study the technology-led entrepreneurship, start-up ecosystem, public-private partnership models and technology transfer into commercialization.

B) STI Policy & Governance:

  • To study the dynamics of adaption and social appropriation of S&T outcomes and inclusive policies. Identifying socio-cultural bottlenecks within the R&D institutions in the country hindering appropriate innovations for the country.
  • Mining of International strategies and historical perspective of STI policy promotion and engagement using quantitative and qualitative research for adapting to the Indian scenario.

C) Science Communication: Science Communication, Public Engagement:

  • Building science communication capacity across levels in the knowledge chain (scientists, researchers, civil society groups, and media) to map efforts in public engagement and policy advocacy in India.
  • Preparation of modules for science communication/ capacity building and developing a toolkit for public engagement around complex scientific issues

National Innovation and Startup Policy (NISP2019)